Tuesday 5 April 2011

Experiment2 - Client Hypothesis'

Isaac Newton
1.    If you punch someone, even if the guy you punch doesnt feel pain, you will feel it anyway!
2.    If Earth never existed, then gravity cannot be proven
3.    Concentration on education reduces social conduct
4.    Existance of gravity proves that there's not any two things that do not relate to each other.
5.    What goes up must come down

Sigmund Freud
1.    The best way to fix a crazy person is through communication
2.    Everything anyone does is driven in some way by a subconscious sexual disire
3.    Too much attention leads to delusions of grandiosity
4.    Ironic enough that he is a psychoanalysis, but he couldn't even quit smoking himself.
5.    Freud didn't believe everything was related to sex, but rather that conditions develop during specific periods in a child's life where those things are big. Eg mother complex develops during breastfeeding.

Maria Gaetana
1.    The curve may be too complicated to explain verbally.
2.    Multi-lingual people are intelligent.
3.    If Maria Agnesi was not born a Roman Catholic, then Pope Benedict XIV would not have seriously considered her to be a candidate for the University of Bologna
4.    People who know more than one language talk more often.
5.    A non-conformist in public life is a conformist in private life

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